Orders of magnitude confront or evade our conception and understanding on a constant basis.
In Physics an attempt is made to conceptualize a order of magnitude many times smaller than our usual life experience. Such attempts have led in one fashion or another to the computing revolution of the last half of the last century and up till today. Also attempts have been made to understand the universe in it's entirety and from beginning to present.

Neither of these attempts however would be easily grasped by a normal person caught up in day to day life, without serious study, and thought.
An order of magnitude can consist of volume or time frame or speed or many things considered in trading or life by traders.
Where a trader gets an edge on others is in his choice and USE of an order of magnitude, having greater understanding of his market over time or insight into the ins and outs of the speed of his market or even volume connected to it.
In life an order of magnitude must be self aware to be useful. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying the same level of awareness which generates a problem cannot solve it, or possibly the same order of magnitude.
Similes abound. You can't see the forest for the trees, look at the big picture, penny wise and pound foolish, etc.
In developing a trading plan be sure to consider the order of magnitude of each aspect of it that you use. Be sure that using that time frame, or indciator or market or leverage work together and don't clash with each other or your own competence and understanding.
Just as a trader wishes to be exceptional, he must also have exceptional understanding of his approach and his edge be beyond a usual distribution of those in the market to obtain truely exceptional results.
Don't expect to split the atom with a knife or see the farthest reaches of the universe with a magnifying glass.