To live or as the subject goes here, to trade well it is vital to develop a frame of mind where you are in control of your actions and frame of mind.
There are many many influences over almost anyone's life. Living in a crowd, one can be making decisions alone, or be drowned out by the good and bad others do to and for you.
Being on a Mission involves ignoring those things outside such and concentration on the mechanics and goals of the Mission. Trading involves ignoring the world while being fully aware of it.
Executing a trading plan or living a good life amount to choosing with fine detail and care what to do and when to do it, as well as who to go along with and where.
Imagine a crowd of hecklers, each one trying to add to or detract from your success. But it is your life isn't it?
One can move away from or tune out the distractions, try it as a drill, or even just identify such.
Let me know how that does, for you.