Being Right about everything!
An Exercise to try:
1. On a simulation mode randomly decide to enter a position, by flipping a coin.
Heads for long, tails for short.
2. Enter that trade, deciding that you are right according to your decision to enter the trade.
3. If the position goes against you wait for 5 minutes and then add to your losing position.
4. Repeat #3 3 times as needed.
2a. If the position goes in your direction decide you were brillant in your entry and take a profit as soon as you can.
3a. Wait until any trend seems over then again enter the same position, once again deciding on the brillance of your reasoning.
4a. Take any profit that you can immediately get and brag to someone about it.
5. If the new position shows a loss repeat 3 and 4 above.
If possible take a note of what your total gains and or losses are.
Repeat this exercise until you feel no need to:
a) Immediately exit your entire position in a winning trade.
b) add to losers
c) brag about your brilliant methods
d) be right about every trade.