Gargoyles, Vampire blood preserved in vials, werewolves, frankenstein monsters, sea monsters, the flat earth, lunar eclipses "caused" by village witch doctors...
The Master race, the flat earth, green cheese and the man on the moon.
( http://www.planetfusion.co.uk/~pignut/cheese.html )
Martians (speaking of green men) invading. Global cooling, global warming, god is on America's side....
You can't fight city hall. Individuals can't change things. Might is right.
Man is the center of the universe. Earth is the center of the universe. Witches float and don't drown when you throw them in the river, so you should burn them at the stake.
69 virgins will greet those who kill for their god.
People will believe the craziest things.
When someone tells you he knows how the market will react in the future, add that to this list.
We don't get french benefits, but Fed Ex is too expensive.