While life holds more than a few opportunities for joking around and kidding, usually this is done in a situation where a good degree of social grace already exists.
Chats rooms can be distracting to an extreme to those trying to run them if the participants are fighting or purposefully insulting each other.
A definition may apply: (from Dictionary.com)
n 1: formal or perfunctory politeness [ant: incivility] 2: the act of showing regard for others [syn: politeness]
So while a certain amount of joking and an informal attitude may exist in a chat channel, please be advised that either #1 or #2 above need to be shown by chat participants at least during market hours, and that remarks aimed at others intended for the sole purpose of showing disregard will result in a ban from any channel I am running, for a period of the rest of the trading day.
Joking is certainly permitted but mean spirited insults and disregard are not.
Those who repeat such remarks will be banned on a permanent basis.

Positive discussion is encouraged.