Using a space age calculation intended to measure escape velocity to determine the probability of a breakout or breakdown in price of a security is something which is possible.
Here is the calculation:
"Escape Velocity
We know that if we throw a ball up from the surface of the Earth, it will rise for a while and then return. If we give it a larger initial velocity, it will rise higher and then return. There is a velocity, called the escape velocity, Vesc, such that if the ball is launched with an initial velocity greater than Vesc, it will rise and never return. We must give the particle enough kinetic energy to overcome all of the negative gravitational potential energy. Thus, if m is the mass of the ball, M is the mass of the Earth, and R is the radius of the Earth, the potential energy is -GmM /R. The kinetic energy of the ball, when it is launched, is mv2/2. We thus have which is independent of the mass of the ball.
For a spacecraft launched to escape velocity from a parking orbit, R is the radius of the orbit.
Click to the left to reveal the magic formula
He Canna Violate The Laws of Physics!