I am asking that you donate to a reputable relief agency and am making the suggestion of the Red Cross, despite some reservations about their general policies, because they are possibly the best chance to help in the immediate needs in New Orleans.
For God sakes, donate or help. Other charities:
Most charities are requesting financial donations rather than goods or clothing. This enables them to use the funds within the communities that are most affected.
American Red Cross: (http://www.redcross.org/) 1-800-435-7669 or 1-800-HELP-NOW.
America's Second Harvest: (http://www.secondharvest.org/) for hunger relief. 1-800-344-8070.
Catholic Charities: (http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/) (800) 919-9338.
Church World Services: (http://www.churchworldservice.org/ 1-800-297-1516.
Network for Good: (http://www.networkforgood.org/) provides easy access for donations to a number of charities including the Humane Society of America (for pets,) and various chapters of the United Way in Florida and Louisiana.
Salvation Army: (http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/)
Feed the Children: (http://www.feedthechildren.org/) 800-525-7575.
Operation Blessing: (http://www.operationblessing.org/) for hunger relief. 800-730-2537.
United Methodist Committee on Relief: (http://www.umcor.org/) 800-554-8583.
Noah's Wish: (http://www.noahswish.org/) Rescue and shelter for animals during disasters. Send checks to Noah's Wish, P.O. Box 997, Placerville, Calif. 95667, 530-622-9313.
Convoy of Hope: (http://www.convoyofhope.org/) General disaster relief. 417-823-8998.
Samaritan's Purse: (http://www.samaritanspurse.org/) General disaster relief. 800-567-8183.