There are several usual pieces of mumbo jumbo that come up when looking for anything sensible in the field of emotions and psychology regarding trading.
Of course this is nothing surprising because the entire field of psychology took a left turn about the time of its modern inception. It like the river that had made a wrong turn just kept going.
It became about behaviorism and how to limit the emotional lives of rats with drugs and labotomies. Oh, and possibly stick em with a little electrical trap door for conditioning.
Unless you wish to study the thoughts of rat masters who consider themselves morally superior to any mere human, you may want to skip the subject altogether. It would certainly save alot of effort in getting your wits around the conditioning process they would impose.
When I run up against a difficulty in trading or life it is helpful to me to break it down into smaller parts and work through each one till it resolves. This rarely has anything to do with someone's idea he got from a maze.
True emotions contrary to all the mumbo jumbo are a part of living and a part of trading. It is really not a needed step to turn yourself into a slavering dog to trade successfully and someone sitting around trying to not react has their attention on NOT reacting, not on trading.
For most emotional problems traders encounter a simple walk or bit of other work would solve the majority of any ill effects of such a lightly traumatic thing as trading.

Almost all actual problems now attributed to "emotional" trading are actually a lack of full preparation by the trader in his trading plan or having a defective trading plan. It can also be a woeful amount of training and background information or tools that the trader is capable of using.
If you like the mumbo jumbo, take a pill, if not get busy learning your craft and trading plan.
A history of mumbo jumbo (psychiatry): http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~psy/eng/geschi-e.htm
A place for you to practice psychiatry : http://nobelprize.org/medicine/educational/pavlov/
An alternative view : http://www.sntp.net/main.htm